Weddings at Grace Lutheran Church
Please contact Pastor Leslie [757-420-4704] to set up an initial meeting if you are interested in using the building and/or having her officiate for your wedding.
Here is some basic information to get you started:
Here is some basic information to get you started:
- You do NOT need to be an official member of Grace Lutheran Church.
- You must complete premarital counseling prior to the wedding.
- This can be done with Pastor Leslie using Prepare/Enrich
- Through one of Tidewater Pastoral Counseling Services' Pre-marriage Seminars
- or another “approved” program.
- Fees (for non-members)
- Pastor (for rehearsal and service)—$200
- for premarital counseling—$150
- Pianist—$200
- Use of Sanctuary (first 3 hours)—$300
- Each additional hour—$100
- Use of Fellowship Hall for reception—extra
- Pastor (for rehearsal and service)—$200
- A deposit of $100 will hold the date for pastor and space. The remaining balance of all fees are due at the rehearsal.
- Grace Lutheran Church reserves the right to disallow any decorating or building use that will cause damage or excessive custodial services to be needed.